Wednesday 18 February 2009

18th Feb:

Oh well, time will tell - I finally had an interview today - my first
since October. A bit scarey really, even though it was only a short telephone interview for a three month contract role, I was incredibly nervous and probably came across badly. I doubt I'll be offered the post... it's for a piece of work over in Telford, so it's quite a distance to travel, but I'd be glad of the opportunity to get back to work. I'm going stir crazy at home.

Our eldest daughter Tanya came to visit this afternoon with our Grandson Lucas. He is becoming extremely demanding as his strength and co-ordination begin to develop. Very high maintenance but at the same time, extremely funny and oh so beautiful. It was wonderful to see them, but I wonder how much blessed relief Tanya will get when she goes back to work at the end of April... I know it will be a terrible wrench for her to entrust him into the care of the local Daycare Nursery, but I think she'll relish the relief it affords her - she'll be going to work for a rest!!

I began this week by making my first batch of home-made bread for around 20 years. It was quite a therapeutic exercise which I enjoyed immensely, but not half as much as the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting around the house! Fantastic - oh, and rather tasty! Makes Cracking Toast!